Feeling tired, stressed and mentally fatigued? We may be able to help

Why Do I Always Feel Tired and weak?

If you find yourself asking “Why do I always feel tired and weak?”, you’re probably looking for a medical explanation. Any problem is made a thousand times worse when you don’t know what’s causing it. You can’t reduce the symptoms or manage the cause, meaning you’re constantly in mental or physical distress.

Unfortunately, this is often the case for problems caused by micronutrient imbalance. Sufferers are completely unaware why they always feel tired, weak or even mentally unwell and – in many cases – there is a simple solution. It’s just a case of identifying the root of the cause. Luckily, that’s completely possible. This post explores why you could be feeling tired and weak and how easy it could be to solve your issues.

What is a mineral imbalance?

Your body needs a wide variety of minerals to function correctly. A mineral imbalance is when your body has too much or too little of a particular mineral. Mineral deficiencies may also occur if your body can’t absorb the right amount of a certain minerals. Minerals can often be antagonistic to each other meaning that you can also have adequate levels of required minerals, but if certain pairing ratios are off acceptable scales, this can lead to any number of physical symptoms, such as swelling, fatigue, poor absorption of required vitamins et.

While it may sound like a minor problem, mineral imbalance is almost widespread now. Iron deficiency alone affects a quarter of the world’s population, with almost 50% of people short on magnesium, for instance. These kinds of imbalances cause a whole host of issues, such as:


·       Poor digestion – mineral imbalance can lead to poor gut flora

·       Inflammation – affecting everything from joints to organs

·       Fatigue – this is the medical term for feeling weak and tired all the time, where muscle    weakness and dizziness can occur in short or long bouts

·       Weak bones – bones lose strength and are more prone to breaks

·       Joint stiffness – elbows, knees, shoulders and ankles can become stiff and painful when moving

·       Poor mental health – mineral imbalance can cause mood swings, anxiety and even depression

·       Frequent urination – Your bladder may be affected by a mineral deficiency or surplus

·       Heart problems – palpitations and poor blood transfer can both be the result of mineral imbalance.

·       Skin problems – such as dryness, eczema or acne.


Don’t ignore your issues

If you’re experiencing problems like those listed above, it’s important not to ignore them. Why? For one, they won’t go away. In fact, they will often get worse, with some developing into potentially fatal issues.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of living around your problem too. This might seem like a solution, but it basically means you’re letting the problem shape your life. Make a diary of any problem you encounter and when it flares up. As well as giving you more of an idea why you always feel tired and weak, this will show you just how prevalent it is, and make you less likely to accept it. Once you’re clear on your symptoms, and that they need to change, it will be remarkably simple to seek help.


Do I need supplements?

So, if you suspect you’re suffering from a mineral imbalance, what can you do? Some sufferers take a trial and error approach. They suspect their problem is caused by a magnesium deficiency, for instance, so they take magnesium supplements to see if anything changes. The problem is that – in most cases – this is both costly and ineffective.

There are a wide range of potential mineral imbalances, including:

·       Calcium

·       Iron

·       Magnesium

·       Potassium

·       Zinc

·       Selenium

·       Chromium

·       Niacin

·       Thiamine

·       Copper

This list is by no means exhaustive – and these imbalances aren’t always deficiencies. You may also have a surplus of certain minerals, so it really is difficult to pinpoint what’s causing you to feel weak and tired all the time without accurate testing.


Changes without testing

This difficulty doesn’t stop people changing their diet though. In the UK, it’s estimated nearly two thirds of adults take some form of supplement, with just less than half of them using vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. As a result, sales have grown to over £400 million annually.

But are these non-personalised supplements necessary? No, say scientists. A large proportion of supplement use is unfocussed and unnecessary. In many cases, your body doesn’t need the extra vitamins and minerals, and could even be harmed by them.

Similarly, there is a growing trend of people removing things from their diet without guidance. It’s estimated around 30 percent of adults have (or want to) cut gluten out of their diet. So, you wouldn’t be mistaken for assuming that 30 percent of adults are gluten intolerant, correct? Wrong. It’s estimated just one percent need to remove gluten from their diet for a severe allergy. Intolerances do however, vary.


What do we suggest? 

Mineral imbalance testing

If you want to accurately pinpoint what’s causing you to feel weak, tired or even mentally unwell, a mineral imbalance test is the best way forward.

Is it complicated? Not really. It’s just a hair test, which requires a sample of your hair like any other. Using mineral analysis of your hair, the test provides a full, detailed report of any imbalances and which supplements are needed.

Does it take long? No, it’s quite quick. Test results are ready just 10 days after the sample is received. To make things easy, results are sent by email. People using the test can then reply to the email with any questions or for any extra support and advice.


Using your test results

Along with your test results, you get advice on how to solve your mineral imbalance. This could be anything as simple as avoiding dairy, to more complex requirements like avoiding histamine inhibitors such as beetroot. You might simply have to avoid foods that are particularly high in mineral content, such as high-mercury fish, or tinned foods.

Some requirements can be even more complex if you need to avoid different minerals reacting with one another. Don’t worry – this is all made clear and dietary instructions are kept simple for the user.

Diets come in the form of a simple 30-90 day reset, during which you will be instructed on dietary changes and – if necessary – supplied with dietary supplements to “reset” your body and regulate its function. Over this period, you should notice significant improvements to your symptoms.


Get your mineral imbalance test today

If you’re unsure what’s causing your mental or physical issues, don’t let it lie. Like many people, you may be feeling weak or tired all the time because of a simple mineral surplus or deficiency. With a mineral imbalance test from The David Mulhall Centre, you can find out exactly what’s causing your issues.

We provide you with a detailed report, including how to regulate your body’s mineral balance. In just as little as 40 days, you could find yourself feeling completely new. Get in touch today for more information on how we can help you.